
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2018

Comic con

Picture 1: (Comic-Con, 2017) Comic-Con International: San Diego is a nonprofit educational corporation dedicated to creating awareness of, and appreciation for, comics and related popular artforms, primarily through the presentation of conventions and events that celebrate the historic and ongoing contribution of comics to art and culture. The time that this event has passed, since its creation in 1970, has brought great contributions to the young population, since with this it motivates the young people to enjoy and talk about entertaining things, leaving aside drugs and bandal acts Places where this event has been held: Su sede principal es en San Diego (EEUU), pero además varios países se han unido a este evento, los cuáles son: Argentina Colombia Peru Ecuador London New York (And the other states of the United States) India Boston Germany Puerto Rico Caracas Asia Russia A video, showing the people who have disguised themselves to commemorate the cha

Estrcture of a blog

Favicon:  An image to give your style to your blog Slidebar(top):  It serves to add different gadgets, which identify who is the blog Slidebar(below):  Here is all the information in tabs Search(top):  It is a quick access to search a specific content or word, without losing time Headboard:  The place where we can identify the title with which the author was based on writing Subscripcion: It is optional, for people who want to be aware of the information that is uploaded to the blog Tabs to summarize the information contained in the bog List of pages(above):  Tabs to summarize the information contained in the bog Advertisements: Body of the page: Footer:


Most of the information is currently on the Internet, and this makes it easy to make several let's do easily at a distance of a click. Picture 1:(Andrés, 2016) To know different news, or relevant information, we can see it in: Diary                                                New report                                  Web sites Essay                                                Review                                        Press release Opinion column                               Journal                                         Tweet In this Blog I will give a brief explanation about: What is the blog for? Structure of a blog Types of blogs The features that the blog contains In that it differs from the other means of communication What is the blog for? A blog is simply a web page that has no static content, but shows its content chronologically, content that is updated regularly.